Attachment D - Circle Sentence Session
Daughters of the Dreaming - Monday 22nd October 2001
After a discussion on circle sentencing then described how they would
envisage circle sentencing at Worawa Aboriginal College.
A circle court would operate, this would include elders, a family member,
school peers, teacher (discipline). police/juvenile worker, and management
committee (member).
Judge could be flexible and could be a member of committee of management
or police, it can also depend on what has been committed.
Ground rules should be written up to identify how all parties operate.
Issues discussed included three strikes and you are charged depending
on the act, the right to reply under a time constraint, witnesses, how
this action effects others, and fines - to cover costs.
Banishment from the school.
Ostrazised from the rest of their peers.
Unable to participate in community activities.
Elders stipulate how long they are punished, what they need to undertake
and rate their appeal to return to activities.
All students are bound to this as part of their enrolment.
They can loose items that belong to them personally.
