Message from the Committee of Management
Koorie Women Mean Business Incorporated (KWMB) would like to acknowledge
all those individuals and organisations that have assisted us in
preparing our map for the next five years.
Since KWMB was established, it has successfully weaved collaborative community
projects and goodwill towards womens aspirations, views and projects.
These initiatives have brought together partners from various Victorian
communities, Government and non-Government agencies, businesses, philanthropists
and the general community.
The real challenges for KWMB as it evolves into an organisation that is
even stronger in its support to women and their business throughout
The KWMB Board has witnessed an increased anxiety among Indigenous women
about developments and trends in Victoria. High unemployment; additional
layers to community structures; reduced standards of community service;
lack of support for leadership development; racism and social tensions
are all placing an increased strain on local communities. We recognise
the vital role women play in creating practical solutions to these issues.
KWMB works in partnership arrangements with local women, their communities
and supporting stakeholders to address their business issues
in ways they feel are right for them. To this end, we have worked towards
clarifying causes of anxiety, barriers to aspirations and potential solutions.
We have also provided practical support to Indigenous women in the pursuit
of economic independence and other projects they feel address well being
for themselves, their families and communities.
We look forward to increasing our partnership initiatives with Victorian
communities as we continue to provide a strong base from which womens
views and aspirations can find a voice and practical support.
Leanne Miller