Out of the Our Own Well Being program grew an interest from young people
to workshop with the groups on developing a protocol document.
Three face to face workshops were held in the region. The results being
the publication
of the protocol document the first in the state for this region and launched
in September 2001 by the Hon Jeanette Powell MLC.
KWMB submitted a proposal for the International Year of the Older person,
"Our Own Well Being" a program which responded to their desire
to discuss their health issues, exercise and excursions. At the end of
the IYOP the local community were to resume some ownership over the program.
We worked with the Golburn Valley Aboriginal Elders Group, a local worker
was employed two days per week to co-ordinate their program - information
sessions - personal safety, police, health care, falls and what to do,
seniors cards, line dancing lessons, tai chi , aqua aerobics, walking,
weights and outdoor excursions monthly to different location.
The local impact of the Our Own Well Being group meeting regularly was
amazing - young people would drop into watch them do exercises,
talk to them about the program and their health levels improved.
