Stemming from the discussions on the role of Elders, relationships and
cultural values, the Elders gave overwhelming support for the development
of a process which formalised cultural protocols in use in Yorta Yorta
To understand the need for protocols it is important to acknowledge that
connection to land is the basis of Aboriginal culture and spirituality.
The importance of maintaining a connection with traditional country continues
to be of fundamental importance to the Yorta Yorta peoples identity
and well being. Observance of cultural protocols will affirm the native
title and cultural property rights of traditional owners and instil in
the broader community the need to observe tribal boundaries.
Elders wish to put in place a process which acknowledges the traditional
lands of the Yorta Yorta people. Protocols should include adopting an
agreed procedure for events with a Welcome to Country ceremony
which will include the following key elements:
process for identifying and authorising individuals whom will be given
the honour to speak on behalf of the Yorta Yorta people. The indentified
individuals must have the respect of all Yorta Yorta family groups and
will be bound by cultural protocol in regard to the words spoken at welcome
of individuals authorised to perform welcomes on behalf of the Yorta Yorta
people will be made through the Goulbourn Valley Aboriginal Elders Group
utilising the existing family representative family structure. Family
representatives and the Goulbourn Valley Aboriginal Elders Group will
work collaboratively to agree on individuals who will be authorised to
perform this function.
Goulbourn Valley Aboriginal Elders Group will maintain a list of authorised
individuals which will be formally communicated within the Yorta Yorta
community and to organisations, key government agencies, Local Government
and others.
of a Welcome to Country document which will be used by all
individuals authorised to carry out the welcome duties on behalf of the
Yorta Yorta people.
of advanced notice by individuals seeking holding major events/functions
in Yorta Yorta territory. Notice should be in writing to the Goulbourn
Valley Aboriginal Elders Group detailing the event, date, and venue and
inform the Elders of the status of intended visitors, for example government
ministers or tribal leaders.