Koorie Women Mean Business Incorporated (KWMB), met with representatives
from the Goulburn Valley Aboriginal Elders Group to discuss program development
and support. We also met with the CEO and board members of Rumbalara Aboriginal
Co-operative to outline the program. They currently run a HACC program
on site and we entered an agreement to cover the cost of hall and bus
hire for the program participants.
When KWMB and the GV Aboriginal Elders Group entered the program we knew
that it would be beneficial to the communities elders what we did not
predict was the Aboriginal and wider communities reaction.
A. Our Own Well Being Project aims
Our Own Well Being Project aims:
empower Aboriginal Women Elders to reinforce their traditional role at
a local level,
as "decision makers".
encourage Aboriginal Women Elders to develop self confidence, and to look
after themselves in many ways, experimenting to find those activities
which suit each person best.
To Enable Aboriginal women elders to take responsibility for their own
health needs
by providing:
and discussions on common physical conditions which would limit their
quality of life.
for physical exercise in a culturally appropriate setting.
secure forum for exploring past and present emotional issues, social contact,
support, and interaction; and stress management and relaxation techniques.
provide training for Aboriginal elders to be local facilitators, with
the ability to utilise community resources and take a leading role within
there own community setting.
Provide an opportunity for recreation and fitness workers in working with
older women to become aware of issues such as language sensitivity, body
images and abilities: and
encourage leadership development and cultural maintenance at a local level.